composite veneers

Composite Veneer

You might not be perfect, but you are always pretty, the way you are. However, who doesn’t like to have a perfect bright smile? Unlike in the past, people now tend to their teeth not only when something goes wrong but also to recreate their esthetics. Therefore, cosmetic dentistry is developing day by day with advanced but simple technologies.


What are veneers?

Veneers are custom-made thin laminate shells which cover the front surface of a tooth to change the shape, size, and/or colour of a tooth.


There are two main types of dental veneers.

  1. The typical porcelain veneers and
  2. Composite veneers


Composite is a tooth-coloured restorative material with strength close to the enamel.


How composite veneering is carried out?


  1. First, your dentist will do a thorough examination of your mouth to identify all the defects.
  2. Then he will take some radiographs and preoperative photographs of your teeth to evaluate the appearance of the teeth especially your smile.
  3. A customized treatment plan wi be fabricated and the dental team will talk to you about the outcome they expect at the end of the treatment. Usually, they will take your suggestions into account before finalizing the treatment plan.
  4. The dentist will take an impression of the teeth to veneered for future reference.
  5. If required, natural tooth substance will be reduced accordingly to about 0.5mm from the front surface to create space for the veneers.
  6. The dentist will apply chemical solutions on the tooth surface to ensure the bonding of the composite to the tooth.
  7. Tooth-coloured composite will be placed on the tooth, shaped, and contoured to achieve the final appearance.
  8. The Composite will then be smoothened to remove any rough edges and surfaces.
  9. Finally, you will walk away from the dental office with your new permanent veneers which look the same as you wanted them to. Therefore, generally, it’ll take at least three visits to get the dreamy smile you always wanted to have with the veneers.



Am I a suitable candidate for composite veneer?

Simply, if you are looking forward to having a perfectly shaped, bright set of teeth, you are more than suitable to receive composite veneers.


Moreover, if you are someone who tried to get a new smile by whitening and straightening your teeth but still, you didn’t get the nicer look they expected due to several factors such as tooth shape and natural colour you are a perfect candidate for composite veneers.


Who are not suitable for a composite veneer?

Unfortunately, not everyone can have composite veneers. You become a terrible candidate to receive veneers if you have at least one of the following characteristics.

However, it’s always good to talk to your dentist before you decide not to have veneers by yourself.


What defects can composite veneers correct?


How to maintain composite veneers?

Just because you have composite veneers on your teeth, it doesn’t mean that you cannot get any dental problems after that. Bacteria still can go underneath the veneers and colonize causing tooth decay. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain the veneered teeth just like you take care of your natural teeth.


How many dental veneers do you need?

The number of veneers you need mostly depends on how many teeth are shown to the outside when you smile, laugh, and talk. Most people show at least their front six or eight teeth when they smile in either the upper jaw or the lower jaw or both. Simply, you can get all your teeth done with veneers if you need them.


Differences between Composite veneers and Ceramic/Porcelain Veneers?


Composite Veneers Porcelain Veneers
· Quicker to apply

· Can be finished chairside in one visit

· Last about 3-4 years with proper care

· Composite is more prone to chipping

· Can be repaired if get damaged


· Can stain and get discoloured



· Reversible if you feel unhappy at any point

· Initial cost is less than porcelain but can cost more with the frequency of repair and replace

· Takes time to finish

·  Takes more than one visit to deliver the veneers since the laboratory work are involved

· Last about 10-15 years with proper care

· Though porcelain is fragile, it is durable once bonded to a healthy tooth substance

· Should be replaced if get fractured cannot be repaired

· Translucency is similar to that of the natural tooth

· Stain resistant

· Are not reversible

· More expensive than composite initially

· Takes more expertise and resources




What are the advantages and disadvantages of composite veneers?

Let’s jump into the advantages first.


Unfortunately, as with any other treatment, composite veneers also have drawbacks.


Therefore, you have to be prepared for all the pros and cons and weigh them out yourself and see if this is something that you’re interested in doing.


How much does it cost to have Composite Veneers?


The cost of composite treatment may vary due to multiple reasons.


As well prices may vary from one clinic to another, and dentist qualifications, and treatment protocols specific to the dental office.


Thus, the price for Composite Veneer ranges from RM500 to RM700 per tooth, depending on the complexity in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


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