Wisdom tooth

Healthy wisdom teeth might aid in chewing when they emerge properly. It’s typical to experience some discomfort as your wisdom teeth emerge, just like babies who feel cranky when they’re teething, but you should consult a dentist if you’re experiencing pain.

Should I Remove My Wisdom tooth

Your mouth undergoes numerous changes as you age. The emergence of your third molars, which are the teeth at the back of your mouth, is an important dental milestone that normally occurs between the ages of 17 and 21. Because they emerge at a later age, these teeth have been dubbed wisdom teeth in the past.

Healthy wisdom teeth might aid in chewing when they emerge properly. It’s typical to experience some discomfort as your wisdom teeth emerge, just like babies who feel cranky when they’re teething, but you should consult a dentist if you’re experiencing pain.

If there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth to emerge or they emerge in the improper location, they can cause issues. When your dentist says your wisdom teeth are impacted, he is referring to the fact that they are locked in your jaw or beneath your gums. When this happens, food might become trapped if wisdom teeth are not in the proper position. Cavity-causing bacteria can thrive in this environment. Wisdom teeth that have partially emerged can provide a pathway for bacteria to infiltrate the gums and cause inflammation. Your jaw may also experience discomfort, swelling, and stiffness as a result of this. Wisdom teeth that don’t have enough room to grow can also cause crowding and destroy nearby teeth. Over a long period of time, a cyst can occur on or around a wisdom tooth that has been impacted. This could cause harm to surrounding teeth’s roots, as well as the bone that supports your teeth. 

You should consider removing your wisdom teeth when there is recurring or persistent pain or infection, when the neighbouring teeth start to get affected or if there are early signs of gum disease. Most often, the wisdom tooth itself would start to rot due to its position which is hard to clean effectively. Your dentist would advise an extraction of wisdom tooth immediately if there are cysts or even tumours sighted.

The extraction process depends on the position of the wisdom tooth. If the tooth grows straight upright or downwards like the rest of the other teeth, a regular extraction can be done. If the wisdom tooth is partially embedded within the gums, a minor surgical process would be done where the dentist would make an incision in the gums to remove the wisdom tooth.

Most often, our patients were not aware that their wisdom teeth have emerged until they start experiencing pain. We advise everyone to adhere to regular dental check-ups so that we can spot the emergence of wisdom teeth early and administer the necessary care and treatment.

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