Shine Bright like a Diamond by Audrey

Well, I guess my teeth are Chinese too wtf.  I’ve been thinking of going for teeth whitening for about a year now because my teeth damn gross la!  You can’t really tell cos I always use my magic Casio camera to camwhore and it whitens everything, but I’d been feeling uncomfortable about the state of my teeth.

When should your child’s FIRST dental visit be? You might be SURPRISED!

family dentist

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a child goes to the dentist by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts. Primary teeth typically begin growing in around 6 months of age. Most children do not visit a dentist until they are well over the age of 2. This is far later than recommended by both dental and medical professionals. Frequently mentioned reasons were that “the child is too young” or “doesn’t have enough teeth yet”.

Experience Teeth Whitening Through Mr. Brian See

Having a bright smile is very important as it is the best gift to your love ones and also to your enemies. LOL… So since smiling is so important , obviously dental care is also something that we should not ignore. I actually do not go to the dentist very often, or I could say that the last time I went was during my primary school time. OMG! Counting back the days maybe years, it has been ages since my last visit to the dentist.

5 Things That Can Ruin Your Smile

One of the best assets that let you communicate well before you even converse with a person is your smile. Smiling lets them warm up to you and this makes breaking the ice even easier.

Top 5 Reasons to Avoid SMOKING

Smoking harms you. It is bad for your health and harms nearly every organ of your body. It is responsible for many other cancers and health problems. Here are some of the main effects of smoking to your teeth

7 Ways to Care for Your REMOVABLE DENTURES

Dentures are custom-made replacements for missing teeth. It can be taken out and inserted back into your mouth. Dentures improve your appearance and smile, helps your speak and eat more comfortably. It also provides support to facial muscle, preventing muscle sag. All in all, it restores confidence to an individual. Here are some tips to care for your dentures

Dental Tourism – Awarded the Dental Service Provider of Year 2017 by Global Health & Travel

As costs continue to rise for dental care in the developed world, more people are either foregoing essential dental treatment or looking at more affordable alternatives, like dental tourism for getting the treatment they need. Dental tourism is a subset of the sector known as medical tourism. It involves individuals seeking dental care outside of their local healthcare systems and may be accompanied by a vacation.

10 important things to know before you get dental braces

Crooked teeth can be a real problem, no matter how old you are. They can cause a blow to your self-esteem, because misaligned and unusually placed teeth are considered inferior. Even if a patient has fantastic oral hygiene, it doesn’t stop others from making negative comments about their crooked teeth.

Most Common Dental Problem

You’ve made a dentist appointment, and it can’t come soon enough. Meanwhile, it can help to rinse your mouth with warm water, floss to remove food caught between teeth, and take an over-the-counter pain reliever. If you notice swelling or pus around the tooth, or if you have a fever, that could be a sign that you have an abscess, a more serious problem. See your dentist as soon as possible. You may need antibiotics and possibly a root canal.

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